The Family Tree of The Egyptian Gods is very useful to not get lost among the names of the ancient deities. The history of Egypt is captivating and overwhelming as it is full of data, names, dynasties, numbers and hieroglyphics.
On Google you can find almost everything your curiosity asks for, but something that we have not seen in many places is the Egyptian gods family tree .
Table of the Major Gods in the Family Tree: Egyptian god family tree in order
This table highlights the core gods involved in the family tree of ancient Egyptian mythology, giving travelers and Egyptology enthusiasts an organized view of the divine relationships.
God | Role | Relation in the Family Tree |
Atum | Primordial creator god | Father of Shu and Tefnut |
Shu | God of air | Son of Atum, father of Geb and Nut |
Tefnut | Goddess of moisture | Daughter of Atum, mother of Geb and Nut |
Geb | God of the Earth | Son of Shu and Tefnut, husband of Nut |
Nut | Goddess of the sky | Daughter of Shu and Tefnut, wife of Geb |
Osiris | God of the afterlife | Son of Geb and Nut, husband of Isis |
Isis | Goddess of magic and motherhood | Daughter of Geb and Nut, wife of Osiris |
Set | God of chaos, storms, and the desert | Son of Geb and Nut, brother of Osiris and Isis |
Nephthys | Goddess of protection and mourning | Daughter of Geb and Nut, wife of Set |
Horus | God of kingship and the sky | Son of Osiris and Isis |
Ra | Sun god and creator | Father of Hathor and Sekhmet |
Hathor | Goddess of love, music, and motherhood | Daughter of Ra |
Sekhmet | Goddess of war | Daughter of Ra |
Thoth | God of wisdom and writing | Advisor to the gods, associated with maintaining balance |
Anubis | God of mummification and the afterlife | Son of Nephthys, protector of the dead |
Ptah | God of creation | Creator god, associated with craftsmanship |
Egyptian God Family Tree
A simple family tree, like a large family, with fathers, mothers, children and grandmothers, since you will hear about them many times. They also appear everywhere: in paintings, engravings, statues, papyri, etc… and it is good to know more or less how things work.
When travelers venture to Egypt, they encounter the towering monuments, intricate tombs, and ancient temples dedicated to the gods of ancient Egypt.
However, the rich pantheon of deities is not merely a collection of individual gods but a complex family tree that reveals the profound connections among them.
The Egyptian gods family tree provides insight into the mythological relationships that shaped the beliefs of one of the world’s oldest civilizations.
This deep dive into the family tree of ancient Egyptian gods explores how the divine connections influenced history, culture, and the spiritual lives of the ancient Egyptians.

A Brief guide to the family tree of the Egyptian gods
Every story has a beginning, and that of the gods of Egypt begins with Nun and Mehet-Weret , deities dedicated to water and creation . Nun represents the ocean or chaotic waters, and Mehet-Weret represents the flood or genesis.
According to Egyptian mythology , a mound of sand emerges from the waters , thanks to the chaos that reigned in the Nile. This mound is the origin of Egypt , from which the Sun is born, giving rise to life. The mound allows the God Ra to be reborn every day. Ra , the sun god, is the “father” of Shu and Tefnut .
A very important figure is Nut , the “granddaughter” of Ra . Nut often appears in most Egyptian representations as the daughter of air and moisture, i.e. Shu and Tefnut. She is usually shown naked, arching her body to form a celestial vault . In the family tree below we see her in her common form and as a celestial vault above her husband and brother Geb , who represents the Earth.
Nut and Geb therefore represent the union of heaven and earth , and are the parents of the gods Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephthys and Horus . These sound more familiar to you, right?
The “COMPLETE” Family Tree of Ancient Egyptian Gods
We put “complete” in quotation marks because it is impossible to make a perfect and detailed family tree of the gods of Egypt . There are too many gods, too many interpretations, and too many changes in worship over the ages to make a standard family tree. Not to mention the different names by which each of the gods and goddesses are called.
This is a list of the names of Egyptian deities to get you started, although the most famous ones will surely sound familiar to you:
- Ra is the Sun God. He has the body of a man and the head of a falcon, but he always carries the solar disk on his person. This is why we can distinguish him from Horus. For travelers, the temples dedicated to Ra, such as those at Karnak and Abu Simbel, are must-visit destinations on any Egypt tour.
- Thot , the God of wisdom and writing. His usual form is that of the ibis bird.
- Isis , the Goddess of magic and wisdom. She often appears protecting sarcophagi. She is represented in human form.
- Osiris is the God of resurrection. He was drowned in the Nile by his brother Seth, and although his body was dismembered, he was resurrected thanks to the magic of his sister Nephthys and his wife Isis. He is represented in human form.
- Seth , the God of drought. Seth is the bad guy in the movie and although his form is not clear, to me he looks like an anteater.
- Horus is the God of the Sky. Horus lost his left eye at the hands of his uncle Seth while trying to avenge the death of his father Osiris. Thoth provided him with the Ujat, a new magical eye. His usual form is that of a falcon.
- Anubis , the God of death and mummification. His usual form is the jackal.
- Sobek , the God of the Nile. His usual form is the crocodile.
- Apep is the God of Chaos. His common form is a snake.
- The four sons of Horus are the personification of the canopic jars that accompanied the deceased. Each one contained an organ . Amset , with a human head, guards the liver . Hapy , with a baboon head, guards the lungs . Kebeshenuef , with a falcon head, guards the intestines . And Duamutef , with a jackal head, guards the stomach .